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Weekly Bulletin

July 28, 2024

10th Sunday after Pentecost 

10:00 a.m.






Leader: Grant us grace, Lord Jesus, to follow you along the narrow way.

People: Grant us peace to be faithful, when the going gets difficult.


*Passing the Peace of Christ as We

     Greet One Another


*Song of Praise

                              Our God                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Giving Our Gifts to God 

      Blessed Assurance


Witnessing to Our Children

Candy Spoor


Children’s Music

                    God Made Me


VBS Highlights


Testimonial Time



Acts 16:12-15 



                  Listening to Respond                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

      Pastor Brian


*Song of Invitation

  O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing             



*Affirmation of Faith




Sharing Our Joys and Concerns

     The Lord’s Prayer


Center News and Announcements


*Song of Praise

          Precious Lord/Just a Closer Walk                                                         


*Dismissal with Blessing



*Please stand as you are able


Visitors:  We welcome you to our worshiping community today. We are so glad you are here. Please sign our guest book in the narthex, and include your mailing address.


July bulletins are given to the glory of God by Bob and Bonita Dombroski in honor of our 50th wedding anniversary.


Prayer Concerns: Nancy Tarlton, Jon Loeb, Carol Alexander, Lorna Colson, David Devine, Linda McGlamery, Bernard Miller, Kassana Alexander, Bethany Cruse.


Worship Leaders


Pastor Brian Crady   Music Director   Todd Whittington

Reader Ed Long Lock-up Trustee Bob Dombroski         Nursery Kelly Cruse and Kelly Nichols

Sound System David Grelecki

Greeters Mitch and Lisa Lefler 

Children’s Coordinator   Kelly Cruse


Attendance and Stewardship Last Week 


      Sunday School: 21             Worship: 55

Need for July: $16,004                              Received through July 21: $11,040

Administrative Council meeting: Tuesday, July 30, 6:00 PM, in the fellowship hall.


We will have a Blessing of the Backpacks during the service next Sunday, August 4. All children, please bring your backpacks.


Flower sponsorship is available for August 4 and 11. Please sign up in the church narthex, call or email the church office with your sponsorship date. Flowers are $35.


Center UMC
1119 Union St S
Concord, NC 28025

Phone: (704) 782-1785


Brian Crady


Jennifer Leopard

Music Director

Todd Whittington

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