Weekly Bulletin |
Leader: You turn our mourning into dancing! People: Our souls cannot be silent! O God, our Savior, we give thanks to you for ever! *Passing the Peace of Christ as We Greet One Another
Testimonial Time
Sharing Our Joys and Concerns The Lord’s Prayer Center News and Announcements
*Please stand as you are able Visitors: We welcome you to our worshiping community today. We are so glad you are here. Please sign our guest book in the narthex, and include your mailing address. November bulletins are given to the glory of God by Beth Cruse (Monga) in honor of my precious grandchildren, Lana, Eli, Tyler, Jordan and Kristen. Altar flowers are given to the glory of God in memory of John E. Zahorik, US Navy, by his family. Prayer Concerns: Nancy Tarlton, Jon Loeb, Carol Alexander, Lorna Colson, David Devine, Linda McGlamery, Lynn Bishop, Bernard Miller, Beth Crady. Worship Leaders Pastor Brian Crady Music Director Todd Whittington Reader Ed Long Lock-up Trustee Phil Walters Nursery Bo Campbell and Wendy Miller Sound System Mitch Lefler and Candy Spoor Greeters Brian and Candy Spoor Children’s Church Beth Cruse Children’s Coordinator Kelly Cruse Attendance and Stewardship Last WeekSunday School: 15 Worship: 65Need for November: $16,004 Received through November 3: $4,635 November Mission Pot: Salvation Army Christmas projects. Please mark your donation for “mission pot” and place in the offering plate. Men’s breakfast: Sunday, November 17, 7:30 AM, at Parkway House. Women of Faith: Monday, November 18, 5:30 PM, at Johnny's Farmhouse back room. Hanging of the Greens: Sunday, November 24, after worship. Please plan to stay and help decorate our beautiful church for the Christmas season. Kids Camp: Sunday, November 24, after the worship service. Fall Work Day: Saturday, November 30, starting at 9:00 AM. |